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A small bathroom makes nobody happy. Being cramped in a space that is supposed to be peaceful and relaxing can be a truly unpleasant experience. Luckily, every problem has a solution! Check out these tips to make your smal bathroom feel larger.

1. Have Ample Lighting

A dark bathroom feels like a small bathroom regardless of it’s actual size. Neglecting lighting is one of the most common mistakes made during bathroom remodels. That is why it is important to make sure that you bathroom has ample lighting. There are two kinds of lighting to focus on: Natural lighting and artificial lighting.

Natural lighting will generally come from windows or other openings to the outside of the home. Having light that matches the brightness of the outdoors makes the room feel spacious… Just like the outdoors! However, some bathrooms simply don’t have windows, so how are you supposed to fix the lighting problem?

This is where artificial lighting comes in. Artificial lighting comes from electric fixtures such as lamps, sconces, ceiling lights, etc. While it is important to make sure that the room feels well lit, it is equally important to light the room with the right kind of light. A small bathroom with a can still feel small with an older yellow incandescent bulb. Consider using newer bulbs that give off white light such as LEDs or halogen bulbs.

2. Use Mirrors

Mirrors give the illusion of space in an otherwise cramped area. Think of them as a wall fixture that is pretending to be a window. Being able to look forward at a flat surface and see far into it (even if it is your reflection) can make a space feel much larger than it is. Additionally, mirrors will reflect the light in the room, increasing the light levels and as such, increasing how large your bathroom feels.

When selecting a mirror to make the space look bigger, focus on size and verticality. A large mirror will reflect more light, and a tall mirror will make the ceilings feel higher.

3. White is Your Best Friend

White is a color that will naturally fade into the background. Features like a white vanity, toilet, tile and wall paint will naturally brighten up the space to make it feel larger, and more inviting. That is not to say that you need to use the bathroom in a white void. Just the opposite actually. White comes in all sorts of shades and textures, so there are limitless possibilities when it comes to styling with white.

4. Consider A Pedestal Sink

If this is your primary bathroom, then a pedestal sink may not be right for you. However, in places like hall bathrooms, where not as much storage is needed, a pedestal sink can really open up the space. Take the picture above for example. A vanity would go from wall to wall and fill the entire space. However, with a pedestal sink there is a lot of untouched negative space that makes the room feel larger.

If you absolutely must have a vanity but are still interested in this idea, consider a floating vanity. It will take up more space than a pedestal sink but will achieve a similar effect.

5. Use Wall Niches

Having extra storage space is great for functionality, but how does it make the room feel bigger? Well first, it gets your consumable items off of the counters edges of the tub. This makes the space feel less cluttered. Second, a wall niche visually pushed the walls back, giving the space a greater sense of depth. Wall niches are a great alternative to something like open shelving because rather than jutting out into the space, they create even more space.

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